
Music to feed the hungry Heart To Heart Farm is nestled in the South Fork Valley of Whatcom County.
We grow healthy perennials in the Spring, produce and cut flowers (love to take them to share with the elderly) in the summer, plus donate to the food banks. We have enjoyed coordinating food drives as well.
In fact, pre-_Covid window ago, after visiting Northwest Harvest in Seattle, I received a new song called WHO WILL FEED THE HUNGRY while tilling up new soil to plant kale for the food bank. The song became a simple music video and has inspired others to give, to feed the hungry. You can watch the video here: Music To Feed Our Hungry
Aside from all the busy of life, I have had a long journey to heal from 10 years with multiple concussions. This alone almost stopped me from trying to help others but somehow, tilling, seeding, harvesting and delivering food to hungry people IS medicine to me. I just released my book called When The Fog Lifts... to share with others who have traveled this confusing journey of injury and life's fog.